Services Landau & Company Marketing Services Offer
Everything you could possibly need and more
The majority of our services fees are offset by the reduced advertising costs you will experience from our advertising agency status. It's like having a valuable employee with little to no salary! Call us for more details. Daily, weekly, anytime consultation. We're here for you on your schedule (weekends and nights, too).

Analysis of problem areas
Creation of complete monthly, yearly advertising plans
Development of unique and credible advertising messages for all mediums
Implementation and media purchases for entire plan
Web site writing and design
Search marketing and optimization
Social media plans and implementation
Web display ads and re-marketing
Email newsletters
Press release writing and dissemination
Article writing
Leads and sales tracking
Post campaign analysis
Invoice auditing to ensure media accountability
Events and promotions
Outside sales idea generation (civic, community and cross business opportunities)
Business-to-business relationships and cooperatives
Secret shoppers
Sales training
Merchandising recommendations
Added fees apply for graphic design, search optimization, AdWords, professional photography and videography