Resources & Links

We are happy to provide this list of resources for your benefit as you navigate the marketing and advertising world.
Feel free to contact us should you have any questions.
American Marketing Association
The Direct Marketing Association
American Advertising Federation
American Association of Advertising Agencies Association of National Advertisers (represents 300 companies with 8000 brands that spend over $100 billion in marketing communications and advertising)
International Advertising Association
Incentive Marketing Association (IMA)
Point of Purchase Advertising International
Promotion Marketing Association
Retail Advertising & Marketing Association MarketingProfs.com (marketing education & resources)
National Association of Broadcasters
California Broadcasters Association
Bay Area Society for Television, Advertising and Radio Newspaper Association of America
International Newspaper Marketing Association
Television Bureau of Advertising
National Cable and Telecommunications Association National Association of Black Owned Broadcasters
Cable television Advertising Bureau
Yellow Pages Integrated Media Association
Outdoor Advertising Association of America
Electronic Retailing Association (formerly the National Infomercial Marketing Association)
For Fun & Information
Media outlets in the U.S. and around the world
Media Buying
Media Life – for Media Buyers and Planners (good daily updates and e-mails)**
Media Post, The Center for Media Research – for Planners and Buyers of Advertising Media (daily update, tons of newsletters)**
STAMP (Society to Advance Media Professionalism}
e-business and e-marketing information, statistics, products and services, advertising information
B to B (Business to Business Marketing)
SQAD (formerly called SPARC)
The Traffic Audit Bureau for Media Measurement
Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC)
BBM (Canadian Radio & TV Ratings)